Purple Files: CGA 10th Annual Costume Ball

This was the first of the Costume Balls to be held in Adelaide. The range of costumes was impressive. Jo and Hass recreated the costumes from the Ball Flyer.

The Parade was of a high standard with all levels of costumers entering: Novice, Journeyman and Master level. There was also a Workmanship competition held. (where they check out the inside of the outfit too and scrutinize the stitches and technique).

The awards were really cool, being etched glass with a 'brass plaque'.

Below are the entrants of the parade: The winners of each catagory - Jeff Owen as an original series Battlestar Galactica, (Darren?) who made Gondorian Armour and Queen Victoria herself winning the Master Class.


Best performance in the Parade was by Julie (Bean) who reprised Princess Fiona's song, complete with exploding bluebird!

Winners of the Workmanship awards were: Novice: Alex the Lion (made by Chris) and Master: reproduction of a Maria d'Medici outfit by Karen (me).


The Judges from retail, professional and educational: Terry Brown, Beverley Freeman and Jenny Ramon.

Other costumes were from Raiders of the Lost Ark: Temple of Doom (Kerri), Steve's wonderous Dragon Fedakee, Jedi (David and ?), Willy Wonka (Martin aka Medge), Princess Leia (Alison), and...Adele's Can Can outfit.

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